Democritus, often called the “Laughing Philosopher,” was a pre-Socratic thinker known for his deep insights into life, science, and ethics. As one of the earliest proponents of atomic theory, Democritus combined scientific reasoning with a zest for human understanding. Here are 20 thought-provoking quotes attributed to him that continue to inspire and challenge us.
On Wisdom and Knowledge
- “Raising the soul to wisdom is the greatest joy.” -Democritus

- “Happiness resides not in possessions, but in the soul.” -Democritus

- “Men achieve wisdom more by living than by learning.” -Democritus

- “The brave man is he who overcomes his desires, not his enemies.” -Democritus

- “To know oneself is the beginning of wisdom.” -Democritus

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On Virtue and Ethics
- “Goodness is not found in greatness, but in action.” -Democritus

- “Virtue is achieved by the pursuit of knowledge.” -Democritus

- “The best man is he who thinks good thoughts and does good deeds.” -Democritus

- “Moderation is the strength of the soul.” -Democritus

- “Happiness comes from striving for what is right.” -Democritus

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On Nature and the Universe
- “Nothing exists except atoms and empty space; everything else is opinion.” -Democritus

- “By convention, sweet is sweet and bitter is bitter; in reality, there are only atoms and the void.” -Democritus

- “The universe is infinite in both size and possibility.” -Democritus

- “All things happen according to necessity.” -Democritus

- “Nature loves simplicity.” -Democritus

Dive into the mind of Diogenes with more Diogenes quotes.
On Life and Happiness
- “Happiness depends on a good disposition of the soul.” -Democritus

- “The cheerful mind perseveres and conquers.” -Democritus

- “To live well is to live in harmony with nature.” -Democritus

- “True wealth is a contented mind.” -Democritus

- “Happiness is not in extravagance, but in simplicity.” -Democritus

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